February 2005

Today there are many who have been battered about by the tsunamis of life, who have been so bruised by events that they would snap in two if one more burden was added to their load. There are many dimly burning wicks whose faith has been severely tested and is about to flicker out. Doubt comes to all of us. You cannot put the candle of faith to the winds of doubt and not have it flicker. It is easy to doubt God in the wake of such a major disaster when we search about us for signs of God's presence. It is precisely at those times when we most feel the absence of God that God is closest to us. It is when we are crippled by the events of life that God comes to us, often in the form of another offering a helping hand. We are the Christ to each other, and to those whose lives are devastated by natural disaster we can be the presence of God who brings comfort and relief.

When we are beset by our own doubts, we may need to learn to pray:

"O lord, renew my strength now, but if not now, then tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then help me wait in hope and somehow endure whatever happens with patience. Let me reach out to my brothers and sisters who are struggling in their own devastation or powerlessness that they cannot change. Let us be patient with each other, and help me to be patient with myself."

God moves slowly but surely. Have patience and God will give you the strength to endure, and will in the fulness of God's time, unfold the mysteries of existence to you. We may be as reeds in the wind, blown about, battered, and bruised, but if we are firmly rooted in our faith, God will speak his words of comfort to us and we will not break nor will the flame of our faith be quenched. Give praise to God for God has come to us to bring forth justice.

-Dr. Harry L. Serio